
Return to Nature, to Ourselves

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For the month of August, we look to Mother Nature for inspiration and resource. With the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, we have unknowingly and knowingly separated ourselves from Nature and the infinite wisdom she provides. This separation has significant implications for both our well-being and the health of the planet. 

From heat waves to flash floods, we’re in an era of accelerating climate change and massive loss of biodiversity. In fact, 68% of biodiversity has been lost since 1970, and the amount of human-made material now outweighs the total mass of biological matter on the planet. All these serve as stark reminders of the unprecedented ecological devastation we are facing. As Chief Seattle, Duwamish, wisely said, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” This interconnectedness calls for a shared responsibility to heal our planet. 

Perhaps the way to heal our planet is to re-cultivate this reciprocity. As we begin to reconnect with Nature, we also learn to deeply nurture and heal ourselves. Whether through relaxing birdsong, barefoot walks in the park or observing fractals* (self-repeating patterns of different scales) in Nature, this is a gentle invitation to reconnect with her. Her infinite beauty and wisdom are a silent yet unwavering guide to our journey to self-discovery and healing. It gently imparts truths that resonate deeply within us, encouraging us to let go of the doubts, fears, and self-limiting beliefs we have accumulated. Within Nature’s embrace, we find sanctuary—a sacred space where we can unravel the narratives we tell ourselves and rediscover our true essence.

Return to Nature with us this month and uncover the transformative ways it shapes our healing journey. As we understand that we are a part of the world, Mother Nature, it can help us figure out how to heal ourselves and the world around us.

We curate two community events for you this month:

Fo-Rest Community Walk and Picnic (18th August, 8-10 am) | FREE

Join us for our first Fo-Rest Community Walk & Picnic – an opportunity for us to get out, hang out, and spend a little time in nature! We will be exploring the mangrove trails in the Labrador Nature Reserve on Sunday, 18 August (Starting at 8 am). At the end of our trail, enjoy a guided breathwork & neurosensory practice with our Educator before we breakout into our community picnic. Bring your favourite snacks, a picnic blanket, and an open heart for a day of relaxation, connection, and fun. All ages are welcome! Don’t miss this opportunity to nurture your mind, body, and soul in the beautiful outdoors.

Deep Sea Rhythms: Free Movement & Ice (31st August, 8-10 am) | $30/ pax

Join us for an exclusive Deep Sea Rhythms, a unique conscious movement practice by the sea. Guided by an embodied dance facilitator, connect with the elements of nature as you explore the interconnections of your body, mind and breath. Optional group ice baths are available post-movement practice to kickstart your morning ahead. Exact location will be offered upon booking.

Grab your tickets below. For other classes and workshops, click here.