
What is Resourcing?

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How to Fill Your Cup and Flow with Life’s Seasons

And just like that, we are already in September. It’s hard to believe that in just a few months, we will be moving into 2025. In many parts of the world, distinct seasons guide people in understanding when to rest and when to rise. However, in Singapore, without the gift of four seasons, and the never-ending frenzy of life, it can sometimes be harder to recognise when we need to slow down or when it’s time to energise and push forward. How can we learn to tune into our own bodies, live at our own pace, move on our own terms, but more importantly, allow life to be punctuated by our own inner seasons of change, growth and transformation?

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What Is Resourcing?

At Soma Haus, you might have heard us talk about resourcing. It refers to filling our cup—nurturing our bodies, minds, and souls with what we need to stay balanced, at ease and resilient. This concept is about tuning in to what energises, replenishes, and sustains us, ensuring that we don’t burn out in times of stress or stagnate in times of calm.

Resourcing is the process of drawing on inner and outer resources to support ourselves. These resources can come from various areas, including physical movement, emotional nourishment, mental stimulation, spiritual practices, and meaningful social connections. Depending on which season we are in, we may tap into different tools as part of our resourcing strategy.

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The Rhythm of Seasons: Upregulation and Downregulation

When we look to nature, we notice that there’s a rhythm to everything. Seasons shift from the expansive energy of spring and summer to the contemplative, restorative energy of fall and winter. Similarly, our lives oscillate between seasons of upregulation—where we need to increase our energy and engagement—and downregulationwhere we must slow down and nurture ourselves deeply.

Upregulation: When to Charge Up

Upregulation refers to moments when life calls us to step up, take on more responsibility, or meet the demands of an intense season. Think of times when you’re working toward a big career goal, adjusting to a new role as a parent, or taking on a challenging personal project. These times require more energy, focus, and resilience. In such seasons, resourcing becomes about replenishing energy to meet those demands.

Ways to Resource:

  • Wellness: Jumping into an ice bath and getting your dopamine boost. Dopamine is a powerful molecule capable of elevating mood, enhancing focus, attention, goal-directed behaviour.
  • Fitness: Engaging in energising forms of exercise such as yoga, running, or dance to boost endorphins and maintain vitality.
  • Nature Time: Spending time outdoors, soaking up sunlight and fresh air to revitalize your energy.
  • Nutrition: Focusing on foods that nourish and fuel your body, particularly those rich in vitamins and minerals that support brain and body function.
  • Creative Expression: Pouring yourself into creative outlets like art, writing, or music to channel your energy productively.
  • Social Support: Seeking out uplifting and supportive communities where you can share ideas, find encouragement, and collaborate. Check out our Classes and Community Events. 

Downregulation: When to Slow Down

Downregulation happens in seasons when we are called to rest, reflect, and restore ourselves. After a period of intense focus or stress, we may feel depleted and in need of quiet space to recover. This might occur after completing a major project, going through a personal transition, or experiencing emotional upheaval. During these times, the resources we turn to should help calm the nervous system, and cultivate a sense of ease.

Ways to Resource:

  • Restorative Practices: Incorporating practices like meditation, breathwork, sound baths or gentle movement to soothe the body and mind. Our Weekly Classes are primarily restorative and designed to help soothe your nervous system. 
  • Sensory Deprivation: Switch off from all forms of external stimulation inside our Float pod. Floating with 300kgs of Epsom salt, you can also rely on the power of Magnesium as a muscle relaxant that will leave you feeling deeply relaxed.
  • Emotional Rest: Taking time for emotional recovery through journaling, talking with a trusted friend, or seeking therapy.
  • Boundaries: Learning to set healthy boundaries is not always easy even though it is crucial as part of resourcing and self-care.With the help of our licensed somatic counsellors, you can begin to understand why boundaries are difficult for you, the triggers and patterns that show up in your daily life, and how to be assertive while maintaining balance in your life.
  • Sleep: Prioritise quality sleep to give the body and brain the deep rest they need for rest and restoration. The top strategies for sleep at Soma Haus are: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Float Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Gaba L Theanine Supplement. Book a Discovery Call to find out more. 

Knowing When to Shift

One of the keys to resourcing is recognizing when it’s time to shift from upregulation to downregulation, or vice versa. If you find yourself feeling overstimulated, anxious, or unable to focus, it may be your body’s call for downregulation and recovery. On the other hand, if you feel stagnant, unmotivated, or disengaged, it might be time for upregulation—drawing in resources that energize and inspire action.

Flowing with the Seasons

By listening to your body, heart, and mind, you can identify what resources you need in any given season of life. Reflect on what fills your cup and adapt it to your current needs, knowing that different seasons of life may call for different resources, all in the name of self-care and love. 

If you’re needing support with building a well-rounded personalised toolkit that honours the seasons of your life, we recommend booking in for a Nervous System Consultation

soma haus nervous system consultation